When I was twelve, I started a journal which I kept faithfully for many years thereafter. Each time I would finish filling up one of those decoratively and self-importantly bound books, I would store it away for posterity in a special box in the back of my closet.
In my twenties, I pulled that box out of storage and spent an afternoon reading about all that was important to me in my teenage years. Sadly, it could be summed up with a single word: boys. I was horrified. Could I have possibly been so shallow?
My photo albums, by contrast, have remained meaningful and often more poignant records of life's experiences. I have always been interested in photography, and have owned a camera for as long as I can remember. And I recorded much, much more than just the boys I knew with my camera--thank goodness!
Twenty years and many, many experiences later, I hope to combine the two mediums (and probably more) with the help of this site, into a multi-media endeavor. I can only hope that this new attempt at chronicling my life will be a more interesting "read" for anyone who might come across it.
With this photo-journal, I hope to record and share some of my experience in the world so far, and hopefully help myself to decide where the journey leads next...